Solution for industrial areas

It is necessary to run precautionary patrols within the industrial areas which are focused on the facility safety and prevention of trespassing. The security services focus on monitoring personal vehicles and trucks, possible assault on objects and the movement of suspicious people. Their focus is also on monitoring places with high fire risk or storage places with dangerous substances where fire and security signalling is installed and regularly check by the guards.

We provide technologies that help protect human health and assets against unnecessary damage, allow for reacting quickly to accidents at the moment of its origin or even preventing it. The control room operator or the guard receive immediate report about an assault, fire or dangerous substance leakage and can quickly act on it.

Have every possible situation under control. Use special features offered by our network operations and monitoring centre, the communicators and GPS vehicle units.

Contact us

Control room
ONI system
+ 420 737 900 300

+ 420 603 493 885