Online vehicle monitoring follow-up

The automatic generation of the log book decreases the administration load related to record keeping of the trips and creating the travel documents (for the trips within the Czech Republic and abroad and as per the legal requirements of the Czech Republic).  Use the log book for comfortable book keeping of the business as well as the private trips.

Driving style is an ideal tool for the managers. The drivers don’t often maintain the company cars as they should; use the driving style to evaluate the degree of the driver’s aggressiveness or on the contrary his or her ability to foresight or drive fluently.

Educating the driver by using the Driving style feature leads not only to decreasing the fuel consumption and the wear and tear of the vehicles, but also to improving the safety of the employees.

ONI system is also ideal for monitoring special types of vehicles such as ambulances, fire-fighting vehicles or helicopter emergency medical services, where the stress is put on the reliability and the speed of the data.

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  • Service and free support over the phone
  • Quick response and bug fixing, remote configuration of HW and SW
  • Qualified technicians available 24/7

  • Regular review of the implemented equipment by our technicians
  • Availability of spare parts in 4 storehouses across the Czech Republic
  • Customized training based on the needs and experience of the client

Additional services for Network Operations Centre follow-up

Utilize our technologies even better – come for a training 

Would you like your employees to understand NAM technologies better and use them in more efficient way? Do you have questions? Speak to our trainer.
We offer training on the customers’ premises or in our own training centre in Havířov – Prostřední Suchá or in Prague. The training is run by professionals with many years of experience. The issues are explained in a simple, easy to understand way.

Additional services for monitoring centres

No company can survive without proper management and regular maintenance of its hardware and software. We provide high quality technical support and service to our customers.

Our know-how and well documented processes allow us to take responsibility for the smooth run of monitoring technologies.

Choose the type of support that suits your needs. We offer two options:

  • use our free service and support during working hours, or
  • subscribe for 24/7 support with many benefits, such as priority service, contractual commitment for restoring of technology operation, free software upgrade and update, free yearly training for control room operator, lower rates for technician and his travel expenses, 99 % discount on repair material and many others.



  • Stability of alarm receiving centre operation
  • Lower costs of technical maintenance of alarm receiving centre
  • Minimized expenses on in-house technicians and specialists
  • Specialists on monitoring technologies provided by NAM system
  • Avoiding problems or dealing with them immediately after they appear
  • Remote error detection followed by fast repair
  • Availability of professional service 24/7

Monitoring of technologies

Monitoring of technologies

We monitor and ensure the smooth run of all our products!

Our technologies ensure 24/7/365 asset monitoring. Our specialists at NAM Network Operations Centre maintain non-stop monitoring of all the systems and thus provide reliable operation facilities to all our customers.

We supervise all the elements of the monitoring system (database status, hardware status, run of the provided services, etc.) and the data transfer via the Zabbix software. Any malfunction is automatically detected and passed to NAM Network Operations Centre where it is dealt with by trained technicians.


Choose from several types of units developed and produced by NAM system

  • Monitoring unit is ONI system’s flag ship and is used across all sectors of industry. Hidden installation prevents the staff from manipulating and possibly sabotaging of the unit. Daily data provided by the unit are exact and reliable. The unit can monitor – among many others – trips driven by your drivers (in the Czech Republic and abroad), fuel consumption, and machine utilization or rally races. The unit offers many other features such as driver identification, trip type switch or connection to Garmin navigation.
  • The unit includes a highly accurate accelerometer which allows the user receiving messages and e-mails about towing of the vehicle, tyre theft, and accident on the road or on the parking lot.
  • Watching unit – comes in two basic versions – unit with immobilization and unit for radio trace-back. The advantages of immobilization are undisputed – the unit prevents anyone unauthorized from starting a vehicle. The authorization could be managed via identification chip (iButton) or card. The watching unit can also be equipped by a radio that enables a stolen vehicle trace-back even in case of jamming of GSM signal by the thief. It is said that forewarned is forearmed – with ONI watching unit you are ready for anything.
  • Plug & Play unit is suitable for temporary monitoring or in case more than one car needs to be monitored. The unit is very easy to use – plug it into the car charger and go, that’s all it takes. The unit includes a battery which, after charging, can last up to 8 hours. Due to the access of the staff to the unit, unintentional or intentional interference might occur. This could influence the unit function and thus the quality of the output data. That is why the unit is suitable for temporary monitoring or special events such as the popular Skoda Economy Run competition.
  • Magnetic unit is ideal for tracking vehicle or machine movements within an industrial area.  The unit allows for monitoring the work efficiency of employees and working machine utilization. The unit could be attached almost anywhere on the car – the vehicle chassis is not a problem – thanks to a strong magnet. It is water-resistant and is ideal for heavy duty operation especially in the building or agricultural industry. The unit is also suitable for testing.
  • Battery unit is designed for the vehicle interior. It is easy to used, charged with an adapter, therefore suitable for vehicles without a charger. The unit’s battery life is approximately one week or 1 200 kilometres. It could be placed anywhere within the car interior, however due to integrated GSM and GPS antenna we don’t recommend putting it into a place which is not well accessible by the signal, e.g. under the seat.

On-line vehicle monitoring

ONI system portal is the most important tool for the company fleet administrator or the manager. There all the important vehicle information could be found, be it the current vehicle position or its latest statuses. The available information include the following statuses: vehicle moving or stopping, speed, private/business trip, or status of locked vehicle.

All driver and vehicle related information and trip overview are available at one click. Any selected trip could be easily replayed.  Every fleet administrator must appreciate well-arranged reports with information about the beginning and the end of a trip, kilometres riven or break times. Display Positions to view the routes and exact movement of a car during one day.


Advantages of using fuel cost reduction system

  • Reading information from CAN Bus or FMS circuit of the vehicle
  • Installation of fuel level meter for monitoring the possible fuel theft
  • Immobilization of vehicles, heavy machinery or handling equipment to prevent its abuse by unauthorized personnel
  • Driver or operator identification to assure the employees responsibility for the usage of the company equipment
  • Increased work efficiency thanks to two-way communication between the controller and the driver via Garmin navigation
  • Automatic generation of a log book saves time for manual handling of the travel statements
  • Cost reduction due to well-arranged reports of the vehicle and machine utilization
  • Optimization of busses operation, exact information on idling or excessive heating
  • Driving style – an ideal „educational tool“ for the drivers

System for fuel cost reduction follow up

Other unpleasant problem that a company owner or a manager must face is fuel theft. ONI system provides extended statistics on vehicle and heavy machine utilization based on which the manager can optimize the vehicle operation. You don’t just minimize the idling time, but you can also discover and therefore prevent the fuel theft for vehicles equipped with a fuel level meter.

GPS and radio units for vehicles

ONI system unit is not just a hardware but a solution for individual customer needs. Each unit has its specific advantages and its proper application results in optimization of the company fleet utilization, long-term reduction of the fuel costs and improvement of the drivers‘ behaviour. Information provided by the unit are processed and offered to the customers in the form of ready-to-use and well-arranged reports in the ONI portal.